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Jimmy Dickerson
Born in United States
17 years
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Mrs. Bowen

Beth, Tom and all;


Thinking about my Jimmy and you.




Mrs. Bowen

Justin Lesh's Family

Dear Jimmy,
  Sorry it has been awhile.  Please know that you and your loving family are always on our mind and in our hearts. Sending you all lots love and many many HUGS. Stay close to your family and let them feel you near. You are missed so very much ^j^
Justin Lesh’s Family

~“new address” ~

Grandma and Grandpa

I Know An Angel
James Michael Dickerson
(Jimmy) Bossman

From: Grandpa - James Savage
September 26, 2007

My loneliness is heightened. His memories pound within my soul. My anxiousness binds me. Shortly, it will be the 21st birthday of my departed friend and grandson, Jimmy Dickerson – September 30, 2007.

Least we never forget. This is a thought of many that knew Jimmy Dickerson. This special person must remain alive in the minds of everybody – the desire of many. But as I reason with life, I know that the minds of others will remain sacred unto themselves. Sacredness is an attitude of volition in all happenings. I believe that others make choices with all things including memories, morality, goodness and even evilness. Could it be that what others think and do is actually a correlation of their spiritual beliefs? Yes, we care what others think and believe; however, the caveat is that we have no control over the thoughts and beliefs of others. Least we never forget but understand the sacredness of others as they do as they will in all things and happenings.

My comfort remains that Jimmy Dickerson is home – Heaven. Would I rather that it be different? I could expound with my “yes” with innumerable words and pleas; however, I must trust my Lord and Savior – He gives me no choice – and have solace in His Power and Authority. If He can create the world and know when a sparrow falls, Jimmy is experiencing fulfillment in all things. I have alluded many times to the divineness of Jimmy. It had to be divineness for those of us that knew him understandably know that human measurements were not applicable with him. There was no scale high enough to measure his acumen – insight. He was truly: Beyond the pale. He was beyond the boundaries of measurement of human nature. I like to say he was an Angel and still believe this. I know an Angel.

Now I thank God. I thank God that I know an Angel - Jimmy. To be worthy of God and Jimmy, I must be representative of God and Jimmy. I therefore shall not waver and be stalwart for goodness in all things. I somehow believe that this is what Jimmy expects and God demands. God, please continue to Bless Jimmy.

Grandma and Grand pa
 James Savage Testimonial
                     Collaboration – Sandra Savage
October 26, 2005
Since I have always chosen to remain in the present,  my attempt is to give this
testimonial in the present.   The past is gone and the future unborn.   

There is a dominant person in one of my relationships – I call the Jimmy relationship. I know this for the partner of this relationship is named Bossman.   Always was, still is! I knew without doubt that I must yield to this other and did and still do. My conclusion is that Bossman was an Angel and still is. Somewhat amazing when reflecting, I named him Bossman at his age three or four – can’t remember exactly when. I had to; wanted to and still do yield to this other figure – Bossman, the Angel. I have chosen to feel his presence always – I still do.
I have indicated that he is beyond the rest of us. Bossman and I always liked controversy – still do. We thought opposition was a good thing for it helped find the truth – still does. But what is my explanation for beyond the rest of us? Have you ever sat in an automobile with another and traveled a distance that consumed much time? Have you ever sat in a room with another that consumed much time? Have you done activities with another that consumed much time? In answering these time questions, if being along with another caused you frustration beyond bearable, you are sensing the direction of my beyond the rest of us conclusion. 
Bossman was beyond the rest of us for being alone with him was always a privilege and something yearned for passionately. He knew when to enter and when to leave and always at the absolute right time – always leaving one wanting more of him – still do. His humanity was God given and he had the courage to recognize this gift – yes, he was beyond the rest of us. He was and is an Angel.
Maybe he would have faltered if he had lived. Maybe he would have been like the rest of us if his life had continued. But I don’t care about these things. I only know that I know that he was beyond the rest of us. A little Jim and Jimmy controversy: We are not all the same. Jimmy was beyond us – still is. Jimmy was one of my “special” loves – still is. I have the courage to say it – always have and always will! Maybe he was the best among us and maybe he still is – you decide. Name me names of others that make you feel better than James Michael made you feel. Try this, the James Michael Dickerson Power, think about him now – is there any other that makes you feel better than now as you think upon his name?
Understand, this is my personal testimonial to my beloved James Michael Dickerson. This is not about others but my recognition of somebody, James Michael Dickerson and a personal relationship, Jim & Jimmy, with which I measure divine and inspired by God, Himself.   My hope is that I gave him at least ½ of what he gave me. I truly mean this – this is how much I loved him. Excuse me; this is how much I still love him. My testimonial is complete. I hope it satisfies the Jimmy Standard.
God Bless James Michael Dickerson and may God Bless
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