Jimmy Michael Dickerson - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Jimmy Dickerson
Nacido enUnited States
17 years
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Libro Conmemorativo
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty♥♥
Thoughts of You & your Loving Family Wishing Them Peace & Comfort on this Easter Holiday Hugs Wendy &Sarah♥♥
Randi-Mark's Mom
Wishing you a beautiful Easter sweet angel.
♥WENDY♥ Angel Kevin♥Conatty
I light this candle in your memory holding you & your family close to my Heart Happy Easter Weekend Hugs Wendy & Sarah♥♥
♥WENDY♥ Angel Kevin♥Conatty
Our loved ones are NEVER Truly Gone. The words they spoke, the love they showed Will always live on Hugs Wendy &Sarah♥♥
♥WENDY♥ Angel Kevin♥Conatty
Each and everyday that passes we miss you even more always remember by All Hugs Wendy & Sarah♥♥
♥WENDY♥ Angel Kevin♥Conatty
Wishing your family peace, strenght & comfort remembering you always hugs wendy & sarah♥
♥WENDY♥ Angel Kevin♥Conatty
Wishing your family peace, strenght & comfort remembering you always hugs wendy & sarah♥
♥WENDY♥ Angel Kevin♥Conatty
I light this candle in your memory holding you & your family close to my Heart you R in my Prayers Hugs Wendy & Sarah♥
Dessa Smith Joseph's mom
They were a gift from God a gift of pure gold a heart chest of memories that we shall share and hold
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